Every person deserves access to an accurate and timely diagnosis. At UCSF CODEX we never stop working toward making that a reality.
CODEX serves as a national coordinating entity, engaging the diagnostic excellence community to promote novel findings, catalyze action, and advance the field. Our mission is to lead change in the field of diagnostic excellence by facilitating activities that result in measurable improvement in diagnostic quality, safety, and equity.
To achieve this, we have established three programs to connect and expand the diagnostic community, support new and ongoing work to improve diagnosis, and drive advancements across the healthcare system.
For each program, we will collaborate with individuals and organizations working in diagnostic excellence, both within and beyond UCSF. Click below to learn more about CODEX and our goals over the next five years.
Launched in January 2024, CoDEx was supported by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and will build directly on the foundation’s investments to establish the diagnostic excellence field. Learn more here.
Webinar on Launching CODEX
In December 2023, Bob Wachter, MD, and Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD, shared their vision for CODEX, near-term activities, and anticipated opportunities to engage. Click below to view the webinar.